GET INSPIRED: Appreciate what you have

Life is strange. You’ll never know why this or that happens. Why some people have been so lucky while others are not.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Life is strange. You’ll never know why this or that happens. Why some people have been so lucky while others are not.

This is why many have referred to life as a paradox, no one can ever be sure of themselves be it in possessions, fate or how long they will live.

As we live this confusing life, it’s important that we count our blessings. Counting blessings is appreciating what we are and what we have.

Yes, appreciating what we have gives us the courage to continue as well as the zeal to work hard in achieving our goals.

Meanwhile, most people concentrate on mourning for what they don’t have or perhaps what they will never be able to get! This situation doesn’t only make you uncomfortable with who you are but also creates room for envy in one’s life!

"I have learnt to love myself and I love it,” says Clairryse Umutesi.
Like many other girls she would always hate herself for not being so cute.

It’s a woman thing to love looking better. But what happens if there is nothing you can ever change on your body shape, age or looks?
As for most men, seeking wealth has taken centre stage.

Many rarely find time to rest all in the name of trying to become as rich as Bill Gates or any other money icon. It’s good to get rich and noticed but without appreciating what you have; you won’t also be able to enjoy the wealth you have toiled for because you will always be wanting more.

Loving what we are and what we have has something to do with positive thinking. However much you are in a bad condition, remember some are in even worse conditions.

An online journal known as "Motivation Nation” defines some situations where people are not thankful for what they have yet other millions of people are yearning for the very same thing.

"If you woke up this morning with more health than illness you are more blessed than the millions who won’t survive this week,” sites the journal.

When you look closely around you, you’ll see more reasons to be thankful. Some of these are families, jobs, friends, food, shelter, looks and many more.

"If you have never experienced the danger of battle, the loneliness of imprisonment or the agony of torture and starvation, you have a reason to be thankful,” once said a teenager who has lived her whole life in a war tone area.

Fellow humans in the Middle East, Sudan and many other countries are not even certain about whether they will escape death caused by bullets. Meanwhile, other people are too busy to appreciate the security their countries have.

While some are orphans, others with families see it as an ordinary thing. And as some are jobless, others think they are earning pretty little.

There are countless reasons to be thankful. Even when you are an orphan, at least you should count your life as a blessing.

Counting our blessings saves us all the worry, who we are and what we have gives us the potential to achieve what we lack.

On the contrary, worrying about what we don’t have will never fulfil us. It equates to crying for spilt milk. Like fingers are unequal, even humans can never be equal.

Everyone was created in their special way and they have different talents. If you appreciate what you can do best, you shall surely discover your true self and your innermost talents. This way, you’ll prosper without undue stress.

Stop, look around you and appreciate all the countless blessings that you have.
