Michaelmania: Humans are no gods

Like anyone with a heart, I join the Jackson family in mourning and celebrating the life of a fallen hero in the music world; Michael Jackson.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Like anyone with a heart, I join the Jackson family in mourning and celebrating the life of a fallen hero in the music world; Michael Jackson.

Mine comes a bit late as I was awestruck watching events unfold at his memorial service last Tuesday taking his fame to heights he never attained while still alive. US congress Representative Sheila Jackson-Lee introduced a bill, entitled "A Tribute to an American Legend and Musical Icon” that highlighted several of the late Michael’s charity activities and support for good causes.

The name ‘Michael Jackson’ rings a bell in many people’s minds. The musician mesmerized the world with his captivating songs and his dance moves which undoubtedly were the first of their kind if not one of a kind.

What endeared M.J to the world most was the fact that aside from his confused personality and ever changing physical appearances, he was a kind man with a heart for people. This is further revealed in his two moving songs "we are the world” and "the man in the mirror”.

Michael used his music to touch people’s hearts and make them better.

The other thing that drove Michael to the heights was his zeal to be the best in his trade. He overcame social barriers and racial discrimination, that was still at large, to achieve worldwide fame and recognition in music.

Berry Gordy, the founder of Motown who discovered Jackson and guided his early career labeled the departed star "the greatest entertainer that ever lived” saying that the title ‘King of Pop’ was not big enough for him.

Michael connected with his audience whenever he was performing and he loved his fans. It was not just professional, it was about entertainment.

He also reached out personally to those who loved him; he invited several of his fans to his home and had fun with them as basketball star Magic Johnson testified at the memorial.

It is little wonder most of them are grief stricken and at a loss of what to do following his death. Reports have it that some have committed suicide. 

Another special thing about the star was how he maintained most of his fans through thick and thin.

All through his messy publicity as his career took a downturn due to allegations of child abuse, fans stuck by him though he was somehow losing his confidence and sanity.

I personally took my eyes off him when I saw a picture of him dangling his baby off a hotel room in front of fans.

Leave alone the allegations of skin-altering plastic surgery and nose sharpening tactics that got him more health problems. He was a man that would do anything to succeed and the world is to blame for cheering him on.

I hear he got skin problems and sought medical advice which led him to carry out that vain surgery. As for his kids I do not know how they escaped the colour gene but he masked them whenever in public to protect them from negative publicity, the effects of which he only knew too well having been in the limelight since he was five!

Michael was the greatest musician of his time and he took advantage of his talent leaving his fans asking for more.

But what the world doesn’t realize is that the more they adore and demand from someone, a human being at that, the more pressure they put on them.

This should have been a lesson from the British Princess Diana’s short life. The more of a celebrity she became, the more confused her life became. Publicity is addictive and when one is used to it, they will die in its absence or when criticisms set in.

Look at the likes of Britney Spears, Mariah Carey and even the King of Rock, Elvis Presley. These people received too much media attention at one time and when things changed they turned to self destruction, with Mariah slashing her wrists, Britney becoming socially careless and Elvis becoming depressed!

Now to most people, Michael was an idol, a god of some sorts. He was used to being cheered all his life and when the negative publicity came, it hit him hard.  He also failed to develop a personality of his own as he had always been a public figure. In fact he failed to mature, choosing to remain a shy playful boy at 50. I

It was his young playmates that accused him of molesting them and ruined his life.

Well, I was pleased that he was given a spiritual send-off in recognition of the true God whom even the king of pop would be answerable to. Maybe in his lifetime, this would have saved him from depression and drugs.

Why was Michael Jackson one of the loneliest men at the time of his death yet he had the whole world for friends? It is simply because humans cannot assume the role of ‘gods’ or idols.

Their human nature is too demanding to give anything to their ‘worshippers’ or fans. Rest in peace Michael.
