ULK, imitate other Universities

It surprises me that Kigali Independent University (ULK) cannot emulate other universities like Kigali Institute of Technology (KIST) and Rwanda National University (UNR) which enable students to write and defend their dissertations as they proceed to the next year of study.

Monday, October 29, 2007

It surprises me that Kigali Independent University (ULK) cannot emulate other universities like Kigali Institute of Technology (KIST) and Rwanda National University (UNR) which enable students to write and defend their dissertations as they proceed to the next year of study.

Students in their fourth year are incapable of advancing to the next year unless they finish defending and writing their dissertations.

In fact, fourth year students at ULK are still doing their second session exams yet other universities finished long ago. This unfortunate practice makes students waste time studying only six courses in a long period of ten months.

I appeal to the university administration to change the procedure of handling dissertations that otherwise make one unnecessarily delay in school.

This will help students to finish their courses in a short period of time instead and look out for other things to do.