What next with the undecided future of DRC peace deal?

The war-torn eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is a place of marvel, where humans live between life and death. Ravaged by civil war and negative forces which have claimed lives of thousands of innocent Congolese, this country’s future is hard to decide.

Monday, October 29, 2007

The war-torn eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is a place of marvel, where humans live between life and death. Ravaged by civil war and negative forces which have claimed lives of thousands of innocent Congolese, this country’s future is hard to decide.

Several attempts either at national, regional and international levels have been undertaken by various parties to bring back peace to this country, but to no avail.

This is because; the relevant authorities that are supposed to bring peace in the country are instead blocking it. Their approach to restoring peace remains a dream that will not be attained at any single point or day unless a compromise is reached by all parties involved.

Disarmament of forces loyal to Gen Laurent Nkunda is currently deemed as a probable means by Kinshasa-government to bring peace to the eastern DRC.

But what remains unclear is whether some of the reasons that earlier forced Nkunda to fight back against his government will have been sorted out.

If they are not, then the disarmament act is just a mere pretence of showing the world that measures to return peace to DRC and Great Lakes region in general are underway. In the real sense, it is paving way for horrific political turmoil in the region than before.

It is imposable to restore peace in this country when foreign negative forces are purportedly causing political unrest in DRC and are still inhibiting its territory. If disarmament is viewed as the best approach to bringing peace in the region, then, it should be genuine.

The Interahamwe and Ex-far militants should be disarmed and sent back to their home land. This also applies to the Lord’s Resistance Army rebels of Joseph Kony whose origin is Uganda.  

Rubavu- Eastern Province