Kagame, Blair meet in London

LONDON - President Paul Kagame yesterday met with the former British Prime Minister Tony Blair in London.  The two held discussions on the Government of Rwanda’s ongoing partnership with Blair’s office and how it will continue to support in building the strategic capacity of key institutions in Rwanda. lair pledged continued partnership with Rwanda, saying that his Office will continue following the successful completion of the first phase of the project. For the next year, Tony Blair’s Office will place ten experts in key institutions including the Presidency, the Prime Minister’s Office and Rwanda Development Board, who will be focused on achieving Rwanda’s economic growth and poverty reduction objectives.

Friday, July 10, 2009
President Kagame and Tony Blair. ( Photo/ A. Schulz)

LONDON - President Paul Kagame yesterday met with the former British Prime Minister Tony Blair in London. 

The two held discussions on the Government of Rwanda’s ongoing partnership with Blair’s office and how it will continue to support in building the strategic capacity of key institutions in Rwanda.

Blair pledged continued partnership with Rwanda, saying that his Office will continue following the successful completion of the first phase of the project.

For the next year, Tony Blair’s Office will place ten experts in key institutions including the Presidency, the Prime Minister’s Office and Rwanda Development Board, who will be focused on achieving Rwanda’s economic growth and poverty reduction objectives.

In other engagements yesterday, President Kagame met with Sir Tom Hunter of the Clinton Hunter Development Initiative (CHDI).

They held discussions on a number of issues including CHDI’s investments in coffee and soy bean processing in Rwanda.

President Kagame also received, Dr Peter Piot, the former executive director of UNAIDS and now Director of Global Health Institute at Imperial College in London.

Dr Piot informed President Kagame of the institute’s plans to establish cooperation with Rwandan institutions in the areas of public health, science and technology.  In May this year, President Kagame hailed Blair’s group for its efforts towards building the capacity of institutions and promoting skills development.

In turn, Blair, who is also the founder of the Africa Governance Initiative (AGI) commended the country’s remarkable achievements over the last 15 years, in terms of good governance and economic growth. He said that the country has positioned itself as one of those with great opportunities for investment.
