Editor,I live in Kimihurura and I’ve barely noticed that there has been a water shortage in Kigali.
I live in Kimihurura and I’ve barely noticed that there has been a water shortage in Kigali.
In fact, I was reading the letters page the other day when I found out that there was even a water shortage in Kigali!
I don’t know whether it was a coincidence that the ‘posh’ areas have water and the ‘poorer’ ones don’t but I’m not impressed by it.
I think everyone has a right to clean, safe drinking water as a matter of principle and I think that as long as we all pay taxes then we should, all, get the same service delivery.
And if it means that even I have to suffer the ignominy of water rationing, then so be it.
Electrogaz cannot make the decision to cut off only less ‘posh’ people’s water supplies…after all; the richer folks can afford to buy it.