Religious leaders react to draft bill

The draft bill governing religions that was tabled before parliament’s political affairs committee last month has been described as “delicate” by the several religious leaders.

Friday, July 10, 2009
L-R: Mufti saleh Habimana, Bishop Emmanuel Kolini

The draft bill governing religions that was tabled before parliament’s political affairs committee last month has been described as "delicate” by the several religious leaders.

The bill that was drafted by the Ministry of Local Government contained articles that the leaders of different religious denomination contested saying that it infringes on their freedom of worship.

The civic leaders have called for amendments in articles 21, 32, 35, 36 in order to facilitate their operation in the country.

In a statement released by the religious leaders, it makes it clear that the contested articles make it difficult to start a religious group and maintain it.

The bill states in article 21 that in case one does not have 100 members as required by the draft bill to start a religious denomination, he/she can be authorised by the sector to start gathering for worship until the required number is attained.

The same applies to the application requesting for legal personality which can only be done after nine months, article 25 indicates.

Another controversial article, 32 clause 4, suggest that a legal representative of a denomination should be with at least a bachelor’s degree which has been also contested.

Pastor Joel Sengoga of Devine Destiny Church and Archbishop Emmanuel Kolini of Anglican Church say starting a church does not require someone to be academically qualified but it’s a calling.

"Law makers must have amended the bill basing on weaknesses that befell the church but that is making biased laws, the number does not matter but quality matters a lot, the bible says where 2 or 3 will gather God will be in their midst,” Kolini said in an interview.

Rwanda’s Mufti Sheikh Saleh Habimana sees things differently saying there is no problem with the bill because Rwanda needs educated religious leaders to prevent future human debacles.

"It is a disaster to lead people when you are not educated but the only problem with the bill, it does not verify which kind of a degree, but most preferably it should be theology. Even if one has a different degree, one should go for theology,” Habimana said in telephone interview.

Recently religious leaders drafted a statement to be presented to the local government ministry and the Speaker of Parliament for possible amendments.
