Its holiday time parents need your help

Dear children as you are now in your holidays its time now to sit down and help your parents at home. It’s always good for a child in the holidays to help parents with  different activities.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Dear children as you are now in your holidays its time now to sit down and help your parents at home. It’s always good for a child in the holidays to help parents with  different activities.

Parents should not sit and watch their children do nothing at home but instead encourage your children to always participate in different activities .

Most children think that  holiday time is to sit and watch  films ,no that’s not right children should also learn to play various games not sit down at home and watch films only.

Should only sit home and rest its not right cause it will make them to be lazy when they grow up, Children should always help parents in washing clothes cleaning the house and so on.

And its not that children should work only sports is also important for children, they should learn to do various types of sports like parents should encourage their children go swimming play basket ball and also foot ball.

Remember that the holidays are about celebrating and sharing love. Keep this as your focus. It doesn’t matter how you end up celebrating, as long as you can share your love with your child.

Children remember that parents need you to be with them and help them with work at home.
