Sezibera calls for better services to patients

NORTHERN PROVINCE BURERA – The Minister of Health, Dr Richard Sezibera has advised medics to become more responsive to patients’ needs and rights.

Thursday, July 09, 2009
Minisiter of Health, Dr. Richard Sezibera


BURERA – The Minister of Health, Dr Richard Sezibera has advised medics to become more responsive to patients’ needs and rights.

The minister was speaking after two days visit in Burera District where he met community health mobilisers, health centre workers and district authorities.

The minister urged the district authorities to closely follow up health matters while monitoring the management of district health facilities.

He added that the district should support the community health workers because they are willing to serve.

The health workers said lack of enough qualified staff in different health facilities was the biggest challenge facing them. They cited Ntaruka Health Centre as one of those without infrastructure.

After inspecting Butaro Hospital, the Minister asked authorities to encourage residents to grow vegetables in order to boost their feeding needs.

The Mayor, Samuel Sembagari said that the district would enhance the campaign to ensure proper feeding for children in order to fight malnutrition while sensitizing parents on family planning.

On lack of access to health facilities on Ntaruka Island, the Mayor said residents along with RDF soldiers carrying out humanitarian activities would construct a building there where a health post will be set up.

The minister said government will provide other building materials.
