270 receive training in managing public finances

In a bid to improve efficiency in public administration, the Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning is training 270 people from different institutions in project management.

Thursday, July 09, 2009
Governemnt has allocated a significant portion to Human Development

In a bid to improve efficiency in public administration, the Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning is training 270 people from different institutions in project management.

The trainees, who are mainly public sector managers involved in public finance, were selected from different districts and all institutions attached to the Ministry of Finance.

The training program financed by African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF) is coordinated by HIDA, a government institution responsible for capacity building.

The training is in the areas of macro-economic and public finances, project design, procurement, policy design and medium-term expenditure framework, operational planning and fiscal decentralization.

Bennouna Larbi, Executive Director of SETYM International, a Canadian firm that is conducting the programme said the training is aimed at preparing managers for practical application of project management tools and techniques.

"They have the technical skills, our role was to help them improve on their application and the knowledge transfer,” Larbi said.

The trainees observed that the program has created a deeper understanding of their work, increased collaboration between units, significant improvement on the application of new tools as well as boosted their knowledge level.

The training is part of the Ministry’s five year development plan to strengthen both institutional and human capacities for effective delivery under the Economic Development and Poverty Reduction Strategy (EDPRS).
