The hired boy’s bright idea

I have only one cow called toiler, Toiler gives me 4 litters every day. One day I had no one to milk it. I hired a boy to help me while I was mending the fence. The hired boy disappeared into the barn carrying a large can under each arm.

Monday, October 29, 2007

I have only one cow called toiler, Toiler gives me 4 litters every day. One day I had no one to milk it. I hired a boy to help me while I was mending the fence. The hired boy disappeared into the barn carrying a large can under each arm.

Soon I hurried to the barn to see what the hired boy was doing, but I could not find him. To my puzzlement, there in the stall of my cow, were two large empty cans.

I started searching for the hired boy I became more puzzled when I saw the boy running, chasing my cow up and down in the pasture.

Moving closer to observe it, I could easily see that the boy was not trying to catch the cow as it was foolish to keep it running that way. Just as I walked across the field to stop the nonsense, my cow was standing quietly while the boy milked her.

When I asked the hired Boy for an explanation .The hired boy raised the milk pail to his lips. I heard him say "Toiler you have the best milk that I’ve ever milked”.
