Someone should teach customer care!

Editor,Allow me to educate some of those people who have deliberately refused to adopt the concept of good customer care that it is essential for business. 

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Allow me to educate some of those people who have deliberately refused to adopt the concept of good customer care that it is essential for business. 

I mean, how many times do we have to remind some of those public workers that a smile on someone’s face is important, and that rudeness should be left home. 

On Tuesday evening, I almost cried when I went to one of the banks to withdraw some money.

This man, one of the cashiers, tortured me psychologically over a minor issue, so much that even the people around wondered what on earth I had done to deserve such humiliation.

I’m not mistaken, President Paul Kagame has sensitized the issue of customer care services over and over, but it seems some people have deliberately refused to buy the idea.

So, what is the way forward, I suggest the government should implement compulsory trainings on customer care.
