Parents have great role

Parents have a great role in the children’s education, when they follow up their children performance at school; it helps the child to get serious with studies and the teacher to have time and discus with the parent both the challenges and in the good things him or her meet while teaching the child.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Parents have a great role in the children’s education, when they follow up their children performance at school; it helps the child to get serious with studies and the teacher to have time and discus with the parent both the challenges and in the good things him or her meet while teaching the child.

Most of the children’s performance can be improved when there is a follow up of both the parents and teachers. Children who are not followed up find them selves lazy in doing most of the work assigned to them either by their parents, teachers, guardians or other people in the society.

Most of the parents who do not follow up their children’s education can be contributing a big percentage to their children’s failure in school.

Parents who helps his or her child to do certain things, gives a child confidence and as a return child struggle hard also to please their caring and lovely parents.

Dear parents if you want your children to be successful in what ever they do, give them support, love and care, children only wait to see whether you care so that they please you with all their efforts. 
