Sex education important

Children need to have sex education right from home and this information should be accurate especially before puberty. Some people believe that talking to children about sex encourages early sexual activity. This is not necessarily true.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Children need to have sex education right from home and this information should be accurate especially before puberty. Some people believe that talking to children about sex encourages early sexual activity. This is not necessarily true.

Rather it helps them learn to consider thoughtfully and make informed decisions about their sexuality when they are older, and can help them avoid being pressured by society and the media to think or act in a certain way.

When children are provided an honest, open and thorough environment to learn about sex from people they trust – their family – they feel freer to discuss questions and conflicts as they arise, and delay sexual activity until they feel they are ready.

Girls in particular already frequently fall victim to ignorance about their sexuality and the realities and potential dangers of sexual activity. They can become pregnant far too young, and end up dropping out of school.

Adolescents who learn about sex both at school and at home have a better chance of living responsibly and can continue to succeed in their education, leading to a promising future.

With the cases of HIV/ Aids increasing among young people, it is important for our society to open up and tell the children the truth about the disease. If they got the information right, may be the rate of infection will reduce.

It is important that this education start before the child notices bodily changes in him or herself. However, parents are extremely shy about discussing sex with their kids.
