Remember to respect our right to play

Now that we have got our holidays, we will need to stay home and help our parents as usual. It won’t be so wise to leave our parents or maids doing some domestic work and we go to play.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Now that we have got our holidays, we will need to stay home and help our parents as usual. It won’t be so wise to leave our parents or maids doing some domestic work and we go to play.

As responsible children at home, we should keep round our parents while helping with them some work. Children who are fond of playing all the time should stop. Holidays are not meant for playing or visiting friends. It is time to help our parents and doing some other creative activities.

We (children) should avoid joining peer groups. These groups are not good to stay with. Peer groups are good at spoiling children. We should not encourage them by joining their activities.

Every time we feel like going out from home we should inform our parents. Moving out with out permission is not good morals.  In this holiday, we should allow our movements to be guided by our parents or guardians.

In our society there are people who are fond of violating children rights. So to stop them from abusing our rights, we should always tell our parents where we desire to go. Parents, who always take advantage of our holidays and over use, should remember that we have the right to play.

After doing all what you need us (children) to help you, you should give us time to play. A child who plays with other children is able to learn new and creative games. A child who is not given chance to play, will always be timid and unable socialise with his or her friends if given chance.

Dear fellow toddlers as we help our parents, let us remind them about our right to play. Playing is so important in our lives, especially in these holidays.        
