Residents get electricity

EATERN PROVINCE NYAGATARE — At least 95 percent of houses in Mimuri Sector, Nyagatare District have been connected to the national electric grid, according to local leaders.

Tuesday, July 07, 2009


NYAGATARE — At least 95 percent of houses in Mimuri Sector, Nyagatare District have been connected to the national electric grid, according to local leaders.

The power extension was promised by President Paul Kagame, during his recent visit to the Eastern Province.

When The New Times visited the area on Monday, it was noticed that many new houses are being erected and many houses have already been installed with Electrogaz’s cash power.

"I am also building a house here to benefit from this opportunity. This is His Excellency Kagame’s promise to us,” one man said.

The power, according to Nyagatare Mayor, Robert Kashemeza, was to ensure that all residents get out of darkness as part of the rapid developmental process.

Residents who talked to this reporter said the power is a dream come true.

"I was recently surprised when Electrogaz started installing meters on every resident’s house. We cannot explain this since it’s our first time to occupy houses with electricity,” Eurelie Nyirandashimye, one of the residents said. 

In an interview, the elderly Nyirandashimye said that until recently, no leader had promised to extend electricity to the area.

"I have been living in this village for the last 60 years. I have seen all presidents leading this country since independence but none of them is comparable to Kagame.

When he promised us electricity recently most of us could not believe it but to our surprise this promise  has been delivered,” she said.

With power installed free of charge, Eugene Ngayaberura, a 27- old youth says it will boost economic activities in the area.

"I planned to start a boutique some time back but it remained a dream because I could not manage the money required to bring electricity closer. It was very expensive that I gave up,” he said.

The Mimuli Sector Executive Secretary, Rebecca Kalungi, also says the power supply has triggered the start up of many businesses which she said will develop the sector .

"We now have maize and rice mills. Residents have embarked on growing cash crops that will improve their livelihoods,” she said.      
