Over 300 test for HIV/Aids

SOUTHERN PROVINCE MUHANGA — 371 residents of Nyamabuye Sector in Muhanga District have been tested for HIV/Aids.

Tuesday, July 07, 2009


MUHANGA — 371 residents of Nyamabuye Sector in Muhanga District have been tested for HIV/Aids.

The free tests carried out by the Rwanda Defence Forces (RDF) medics were conducted in Gahogo and Remera cells on Monday as part of the army week.

"The participation turn out of residents is very high. The number of people seeking to know their HIV status is a sign that Rwandans are aware of the killer disease,” said 2nd Lt. Jean Paul Uwanyirimpuhwe, the team leader.

Uwanyirimpuhwe said that the army was privileged to offer the services to residents and advised residents against reckless form of living in order to avoid contracting the virus.

Most of the participants were youth, who also walked away with packets of condoms that were freely distributed at both sites.

Vestina Mukeshimana, a mother of four, said, "I wanted to know my status so as to plan for the future. I tested negative and I hope to be more careful in life.”
