Canada Diaspora celebrate Liberation day

TORONTO: Rwandans in the Greater Area of Toronto celebrated the 15th anniversary of Rwanda’s Liberation in style.

Monday, July 06, 2009

TORONTO: Rwandans in the Greater Area of Toronto celebrated the 15th anniversary of Rwanda’s Liberation in style.

A large crowd of Rwandans turned up for what became a memorable evening that was characterized by traditional Kinyarwanda dances, drums, drinks and dinner as they celebrated Liberation Day.

During the event, the Rwandan Ambassador to Canada, Edda Mukabagwiza, called upon Rwandans especially those in the Diaspora to develop a new spirit of hard work and dedication in whatever field they may be involved in, as it the only way they can help Rwanda emerge from poverty.

She outlined some of the achievements that have been registered in the country, which she attributed to the concerted efforts of Rwandan leaders, Rwandan communities and other partners.

"We are proud of what Rwanda has achieved over the last 15 years…We are proud of how Rwanda has managed the aftermath of Genocide despite many challenges,” said Mukabagwiza.

She told the Diaspora and friends of Rwandans who attended the event that despite what befell the country in 1994; Rwanda is registering a healthy economic growth rate in an open and conducive environment that encourages domestic and foreign investors.

She added that Rwanda continues to deepen its regional integration in the East African Community, which she says, is essential for a bigger and more dynamic market that should become a far more effective gateway to global markets.
