Liberation day is a day of reflection and amazement

Editor, Rwandans who celebrated fifteen years of Liberation should be proud ; most especially because of the many achievements we’ve made.

Monday, July 06, 2009


Rwandans who celebrated fifteen years of Liberation should be proud ; most especially because of the many achievements we’ve made.

For some people it is unbelievable of what Rwanda has so far achieved.

Even some Rwandans, themselves, from within and  without of the country it think it is like a dream.

I want to take this opportunity therefore to give my sincere thank to those people whose sacrifices have given our country the changes what we see today.

My first sincere thanks go of course to the "Driver”, as he has been referred to by a German journalist, His Excellency President Paul Kagame.

I wish however to note that not all Rwanda’s even today know what was the main aim of Liberation.

Liberation was launched against a System which ignored its own people inside and outside the country.

A government has to work for the interest of the people.

When Liberation started it was not directed towards any group in Rwanda but towards a bad system, a corrupt, and a nepotistic system.

I don’t know how many Rwandans know this because first of all, there are still those people who identify themselves with the past Regime and carry its ideologies.

On the other hand there are also some people who want to just do things the same way the past Regime; such as thinking that the Nation’s worth/property is their own.

Liberation is knowing that the Government is for the service of the people and not the people are for the service of the Government.

Another truth is that the People are at the service of their own Country and fellow statesmen.
Happy Liberation day.
A student in Germany