Get inspired: Dream big, the sky is the limit

A dream is defined as a condition or achievement that is longed for, it’s an aspiration that motivates one to work hard. It’s natural that people always love to define others by their failure. Dreams therefore come in as a reason to fight for life and success.

Sunday, July 05, 2009
Oprah Winfrey

A dream is defined as a condition or achievement that is longed for, it’s an aspiration that motivates one to work hard. It’s natural that people always love to define others by their failure. Dreams therefore come in as a reason to fight for life and success.

Behind any successful person lies a dream, for real dreams shape the future. Money, wealth, class, family background are all nothing without having a vision.

Good destiny isn’t by luck, it’s only for those who dream higher and improvise ways of accomplishing their dreams. Many big names can testify for dreams.

In the history of the USA, Martin Luther King Jr had a dream; he desired a future where blacks and whites would co-exist in harmony.

During his time, African Americans were segregated, killed and treated as slaves but this didn’t stop Martin Luther from dreaming!

Nearly half a century later, Martin Luther’s dream has come to pass with Barrack Obama being the first ever African American to become president of The United States of America.

Yes dreams may take long to be realized but the thought of achieving them some day gives the dreamer the courage to hang in and patiently wait for them to become real.

"Don’t let anyone define you and tell you what you can’t do. No one had a clue that my life would be anything other than working in a cotton factory or cotton field in Mississippi. My success is credited to the dream I had for my future,” Oprah Winfrey once responded in an interview.

Oprah Winfrey becoming a celebrated billionaire, news and a fashion icon was no surprise to her. In fact she had always dreamt of it. However much she went through hell while growing up, her dream never died.

The best thing about dreams is the fact that whichever hardships one goes through, a dream will always urge them to pick themselves up and continue.

To dreamers, there is nothing like failure in their vocabulary, not until they achieve their goals.

"With no dreams, there would be no reason for waking up every morning,” says Benon Murisa a pastor.

Many testify having started from zero but have thrived to the top just because of the great dreams they had. 

"Without a dream, people will take whatever comes their way for they are not sure of what they want,” says Murisa.
Focusing on positive dreams and having mentors is a tool to achieve our dreams. No dreamer has ever gone astray.

Believe in yourself, dream higher. If others can, you too can. Our country has a great dream and yesterday’s celebrations were testimony that this dream is progressively being achieved. The sky is the limit.
