Army Week: 60 houses constructed, 22 operated

KAYONZA/RULINDO – Rwanda Defence Force (RDF) soldiers this week continued with their humanitarian work in different parts of the country, as part of activities to mark the ongoing Army Week.

Saturday, July 04, 2009
RDF 408 Brigade soldiers and Rulindo residents participate in the demarcation of plots for construction of houses for the needy. (Photo: A. Gahene)

KAYONZA/RULINDO – Rwanda Defence Force (RDF) soldiers this week continued with their humanitarian work in different parts of the country, as part of activities to mark the ongoing Army Week.

In Rwinkwavu Sector, Kayonza District the soldiers in conjunction with residents engaged in construction of a model settlement (Mudugudu).

A total of 60 houses will be constructed for needy residents in the area before the end of the week.

The Sector Executive Secretary, Hubert Nibizi Nabyera, said the soldiers had helped him to achieve his long term plan to have a model settlement in the sector.

"The Mudugudu will be exemplary, which is why we intend to change its current name (Gacaca) to a more relevant one,” Niyibizi said.

Major Emmanuel Nyirihirwe, the Commanding Officer of the RDF 67th Battalion said apart from the needy other residents will benefit from their work.

"We are volunteering to build 60 houses for the poor and others. I talk of others because we never wanted an exclusive Mudugudu for the poor. It would look a kind of alienation which is not good,” Maj. Nyirihirwe said.

Rwinkavu residents and the soldiers are working around the clock, so that the Mudugudu construction is completed within the stipulated three weeks.

According to Captain Vincent Gatete, the officer in charge of the project site, everything is going on well as earlier planned.

He is one of the skilled RDF officers, who have been engaged in construction for quite some time.

"We are set with our plans  only that the area is very sparsely settled. There is a long distance between the Midugudu. We have devised a way to alternate the civilian volunteers. Every Mudugudu has its turn,” Maj. Nyirihirwe observed.

From a distance one sees the upcoming Mudugudu set in a beautiful valley, surrounded by overlapping hills.

The residents say that the Army Week will leave them with a landmark  to remember and cement the bond between the army and the local population.

"We are so grateful for the work, these sons and daughters of Rwanda are doing for us. We shall always remember them,” Jeanine Mukamana, a resident said.

22 operated
In Rwamagana, the army surgeons have so far carried out 22 successful operations at Rwamagana Hospital.

"Three of the total operations were major ones. This explains why we have not actually managed to work on so many patients,” a doctor who gave his name only as Théogen, who is attached to Kanombe Military Hospital said.

The surgeons have daily busy schedules with at least eight patients to operate a day.

"We attend to at least eight patients with different cases a day. For instance today (Friday) we have the following cases; Osteomyelite, haparototimy, circumcision, amputation, etc,” Sergeant Jules Nzaramba added.
The army surgeons however, noted that equipments were their biggest challenge

"The equipments are inadequate, which is why, I think there is need to increase them. The hospital is also understaffed and the available workforce is not well-equipped to handle major operations,” the doctors said.

Meanwhile, over 250 people underwent voluntary HIV counselling and testing conducted by the army doctors in Rukumberi and Karengi sectors.

"Yesterday we were shocked by the big turn up for HIV tests. It is on record that Rukumberi residents have been shying away from the test,” Joshua Buhiga, the Rukumberi Sector Executive Secretary noted.

In Gicumbi District, the soldiers of the 408 Brigade on Thursday demarcated 50 plots for the construction of houses for needy residents in Nyarutarama Cell, Byumba Sector.

Similar activities were carried out in Tumba and Ngoma Sectors of Rulindo District. The soldiers also participated in the provision of clean piped water to Rukore Primary School in the two sectors.

"RDF 408 Brigade has also conducted voluntary counseling and testing (VCT) for 524 residents and provided dental treatment to 368 residents. In addition, they donated 500 mosquito nets to each of the districts of Gakenke, Burera and Rulindo,” said the RDF 408 Brigade Commander Brig. General Eric Murokore. 

Addressing residents in Ngoma Sector, Rulindo Mayor Justus Kangwaje, noted that the humanitarian activities are part of the liberation struggle.

"The Army Week humanitarian activities are part of the liberation struggle to emancipate residents from poverty and steer economic development, in order to achieve Rwanda’s millennium goals,” he said.
