Can’t something be done about Nyamirambo road?

Editor,I’m a resident of Nyamirambo, the suburb of Kigali City but when you look at the poor condition of what’s supposed to be the main road, you wonder whether the Ministry of Infrastructure has it in their considerations.

Saturday, July 04, 2009

I’m a resident of Nyamirambo, the suburb of Kigali City but when you look at the poor condition of what’s supposed to be the main road, you wonder whether the Ministry of Infrastructure has it in their considerations.

The road is full of pot-holes, and if nothing is done about it and very soon, the residents of that area will bear a high risk of getting involved in accident as drivers try to avoid the pot-holes and in the process collide with into each other.

This road is by no doubt one of the busiest as far as taxis doing Town-service is concerned.

Sadly, the taxi drivers plying their route usually drive at a very fast speed for a town service taxi since most of them are young boys.

This puts the lives of passengers in real danger.

It’s a pity for an area, which is just a five-minute drive from the city centre to have such a poor road.

Don’t the people of Nyamirambo pay taxes or the area is simply neglected because of its location? Is even the concerned ministry aware of the condition of this very busy road?

Therefore, as a concerned resident of the area, I’m appealing to the infrastructure ministry to do something about this road sooner rather than later or else we may thing we’re being neglected on purpose.

Concerned resident