Gov’t, Germany sign financial agreement

NYARUGENGE - A week after the government received a sectoral budget support grant of 8.1 million Euros from the Federal Republic of Germany, another 5.56 million Euros financial agreement has been signed by the two countries. During the signing ceremony that was held at the headquarters of the finance ministry, the German officials announced that the new grant is split into two agreements.

Friday, July 03, 2009
Finance Minister James Musoni.

NYARUGENGE - A week after the government received a sectoral budget support grant of 8.1 million Euros from the Federal Republic of Germany, another 5.56 million Euros financial agreement has been signed by the two countries.

During the signing ceremony that was held at the headquarters of the finance ministry, the German officials announced that the new grant is split into two agreements.
3.76 million Euros has been allocated to the KFW – a German Cooperation that foresees the implementation of the decentralization and Community Development Fund (CDF).

The other 1.8 million Euros will go to the Rwanda Demobilization and Integration Programme.

Finance Minister James Musoni thanked Germany for its continuous support towards Rwanda’s development programmes affirming government’s commitment towards effective utilization of these resources to attain development goals.

"Signing of these agreements of support to CDF and the integration programme, is a clear manifestation of German’s support to Rwanda’s development. This support will strengthen the projects under these programmes as we are committed to utilize the funds for this cause.”

The Director of the KFW office in Rwanda, Dr. Stephan Klingebiel also hailed Rwanda’s Peace building strategy through the demobilization and integration process adding that CDF contribution is also useful as it boosts the local infrastructure for poverty reduction.
