Journalists arrested for blackmail? Tell me this isn’t true

Editor,I was heartily saddened by the news I read in yesterdays issue that two journalist’s were arrested in a police sting as they were attempting to blackmail a city businesswoman.

Friday, July 03, 2009
Assouman Niyonambaza Editor and owner of the Rugali Newspaper: arrested for alleged blackmail

I was heartily saddened by the news I read in yesterdays issue that two journalist’s were arrested in a police sting as they were attempting to blackmail a city businesswoman.

While I will not go into the nitty-gritty of the case, because I don’t know a lot about it, its an emotion of shame, as a fellow journalist, that our noble profession is taking another hit in the arena of public opinion.

We, journalists, have been called unprofessional, uneducated and all sorts of other names; sadly, we are now also being called blackmailing scum.

It is a damn shame.

Again however, I hope that that this whole debacle is a big mistake.

But with some of the practices I’ve witnessed, I won’t be surprised if these two are found guilty.

I just hope that the investigators will end up with eggs on their faces.

Concerned journalist