Agaseke to acquire international patent rights

The popular Rwandan traditional basket known as Agasake is set to acquire international patent rights by the end of this year,  to protect it from duplication, according to the Private Sector Federation (PSF).

Wednesday, July 01, 2009
The above u2018peaceu2019 baskets will soon have exclusive rights.

The popular Rwandan traditional basket known as Agasake is set to acquire international patent rights by the end of this year,  to protect it from duplication, according to the Private Sector Federation (PSF).

The federation’s Chamber of Craft, Art and Artisans said it has partnered  with Gever, a Belgium company to complete the legal procedures.

"It is our right to protect our products from duplication by other people around the world, though we are yet to confirm .W e have received information that china has started to manufacture Agaseke though we are yet to confirm,” said Marie Chantal Magnifique, the Director Chamber of Crafts, Arts and Artisans.

Along with agaseke, imigongo, a traditional item which was used to decorate the king’s palace will also be protected.

The move has been prompted by the high demand the products have enjoyed from the European and US markets.

"Our mission is to protect each member association of the craft chamber in order to develop the country socially, economically and culturally, as well as support the innovation of artisans and the creativity of artists, explained Magnifique.

The Chamber of Craft, Art and Artisans brings together all the associations of artisans in the country with the  aim of promoting their respective activities to uplift their economic welfare.

However, officials say that the sector is challenged by limited standards required by the market and lack of collateral to access bank loans.
