Gov’t to layoff workers

KIGALI - Government plans to layoff workers, estimated in hundreds by the end of next month as part of an extensive restructuring program within the civil service. Minister for Public Service and Labour Anastase Murekezi confirmed the anticipated sacking in an interview with The New Times.

Wednesday, July 01, 2009
TO WIELD AXE; Minister for Public Service and Labour Anastase Murekezi.

KIGALI - Government plans to layoff workers, estimated in hundreds by the end of next month as part of an extensive restructuring program within the civil service.

Minister for Public Service and Labour Anastase Murekezi confirmed the anticipated sacking in an interview with The New Times.

Currently, there are over 94, 000 civil servants in the country and according to Murekezi, the lay-off strategy will base on the performance of each employee vis-à-vis their job description.

"The lay-off process will take two month and the plan is to have the non performers within several institutions fired while performers will be retained,” the Minister said.

The Minister did not however disclose the number of civil servants to be laid off, saying that this will be determined by evaluation reports to be submitted by different institutions.

He added that the plan is to have a "small” number of incompetent or unqualified civil servants relieved of their duties while those with the right capacities are recruited.

"Those who will be fired will be given a chance to reapply for the jobs they held initially but they will have to compete with others and go through a screening process,” Murekezi stressed.

He added that those laid off will be given their terminal benefits as soon as they are sacked.

"The criteria to be used in the reform will include having every government organ evaluate its employees and the sacking will base on the evaluation reports from these institutions,” Murekezi said.

Meanwhile, last week’s cabinet meeting approved about 4771 new positions within both central and local government including advisors to senior government officials.

According to a document obtained from the Ministry of Public Service, some of the new posts include advisors to the president of the Senate, Speaker of Parliament, Chief Justice and Prime Minister.

Others include an advisor and spokesperson to the First Lady and about 33 other advisors to the Ministers, State Ministers, governors, the Mayor of Kigali City and the prosecutor General.

According to Murekezi, the new advisors initially held the posts of personal assistants to the officials.

"The reason behind this is to make these people serve institutions not individuals,” Murekezi said.

Other new posts include 18 analysts and 28 researchers in the Office of the President and the Prime Minister’s office, 4 regional auditors, 346 experts at all central institutions and 36 customer care officers in different institutions.
