Karongi district gets ICTR’s Information centre

WESTERN PROVINCE KARONGI—The United Nations International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR), last week launched an information and documentation centre in Karongi District.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009


KARONGI—The United Nations International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR), last week launched an information and documentation centre in Karongi District.

The Centre was launched at Karongi Intermediate Court.

‘On behalf of ICTR and the United Nations, we stand on the slogan that never, never….and never again for impunity to be imposed among human beings,” Adama Dieng, registrar of the UN-ICTR) said in his speech.

He added that the centre has been conceived for the purpose of connecting ICTR and local courts.

The function was also attended by the Western Province governor, Celestin Kabahizi.
