300 test for HIV/Aids in Rusizi

WESTERN PROVINCE RUSIZI—305 people have tested for HIV/Aids in Rusizi District.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009


RUSIZI—305 people have tested for HIV/Aids in Rusizi District.

The exercise was conducted by medics of the Rwanda Defence Forces (RDF) as part of activities to mark the ongoing Army Week.

Speaking to The New Times on Monday, Lieutenant Anthere Rurangwa who over saw the testing exercises across the district explained that 100 residents were tested in Kamembe sector, 85 tested at Groupe scolaire while 120 were tested at Mushaka Health Centre.

"We have tested over 130 residents only in three sectors of Kamembe, Gihundwe and Gashonga but what I have observed during this exercise is that the turn up is very high compared to what we expected,” he said.

At sifina near Kamembe bus and taxi park where the testing took place long lines formed from 9:35am on Monday and many people were still lining up by the closing time at 5.00pm.

Talking to this reporter, a number of residents expressed happiness after knowing their HIV status.

"Today (Tuesday) I am very happy to have tested for HIV/Aids because now I know my health status. I thank RDF and our government for organising this service for us,” said one Damian Ndango.

At Gihundwe Hospital, one of the RDF doctors Francis Mutangana, a specialist in eye diseases, disclosed that they treated 60 patients with eye complication on Monday and Tuesday.

In addition, he said, the RDF medical team also provided dental treatment to scores of patients.

"Both of my eyes had totally lost sight for the last 13 years but now I have regained some level of  sight after getting free medical treatment. I’m optimistic that very soon I will be able to see more clearly,” said Stéphanie Uwamukwera, a 67-year old woman.

The exercise was supposed to extend to Bugarama yesterday, the doctor said. 
