More pros join Amavubi camp

MORE pros are flooding the Amavubi Stars training camp just days before Rwanda’s make or break 2010 World/Africa Nations Cup qualifier against Egypt.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

MORE pros are flooding the Amavubi Stars training camp just days before Rwanda’s make or break 2010 World/Africa Nations Cup qualifier against Egypt.

Yesterday, four professionals, whose identities were still unknown, were reported to have trained with the team.

Sources indicate that the quartet included a defender, midfielder and two strikers, who feature in the Romanian and Tunisian football leagues.

During yesterday’s morning training session at Ferwafa, the quartet proved that they could be a great addition to the team that desperately needs a result in Cairo.

In particular, Amavubi’s head coach Branko Tucak is likely to put much of his focus on the strikers since Rwanda has struggled to find the net in her opening qualifiers.

Last week, three Cameroonians trained with the team for about five days before they were sent packing because they did not have the minimum standard initially expected of them.

However, like with the Cameroonian trio, neither the local football federation nor the sports ministry’s officials were willing to give details concerning the quartet.
