Thumbs up to the Rwandan defence forces

Editor,I would like to give a big thumbs up for the men and women of the Rwandan Defence Forces who are currently taking part in National Army week.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

I would like to give a big thumbs up for the men and women of the Rwandan Defence Forces who are currently taking part in National Army week.

The week, an initiative of the RDF leadership, has seen the Rwandan Military come together with the public that they serve and defend with such professionalism and distinction in a series of practical and social – economic activities such as medical operations, construction of homes destroyed by floods in Busgoro, road construction and HIV/AIDS awareness campaigns.

I would like to praise the RDF on their initiative and commend them on the great work they have been doing and as we approach the 15th Liberation day celebrations on behalf of all Rwandans I would like to say a big thank you for the sacrifice and commitment our troops show on behalf of our nation.

Yours Sincerely