Muhanga, Etincelles triumph

Second divisionGroup AISAE 0-1 NyanzaZebres 3-1 UnionMilitary 3-0 AspejEtoile de l’Est 0-2 MusanzeInterforce 0-0 Stella MarisGroup BAspor 6-3 GisovuPepiniere 0-0 SorwatheEtincelles 4-0 EspoirUNR 3-0 MukuguwaMuhanga 4-0 Intare

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Second division
Group A

ISAE 0-1 Nyanza
Zebres 3-1 Union
Military 3-0 Aspej
Etoile de l’Est 0-2 Musanze
Interforce 0-0 Stella Maris
Group B
Aspor 6-3 Gisovu
Pepiniere 0-0 Sorwathe
Etincelles 4-0 Espoir
UNR 3-0 Mukuguwa
Muhanga 4-0 Intare

WITH two games to go, Etincelles and Muhanga are still battling for Group B’s top spot as they chase for their dream of playing top flight football.

Both clubs registered impressive wins over the weekend, although Muhanga still have the up hand with a one-point difference.

Muhanga thumped hapless Espoir 4-0 at Ubworoherane stadium after braces from Patrick Kwizera and Jean Claude Gatabazi.

Muhanga now have 38 points, followed by Etincelles with 37 points. National University of Rwanda (UNR) is third with 28 points.
