Tribute to Michael Jackson and his true nature

Editor,Many of us were stunned as Michael Jackson went to his final resting place. 

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Many of us were stunned as Michael Jackson went to his final resting place. 

 I don’t know about you but I was more than stunned, I was deeply moved because I have seen him work so hard and so long to be someone he was never designed to be.

You see when we attempt to live our lives for the acceptance and opinions of others rather than true to our nature we bring undue stress, pressure and possibly even health problems to ourselves.

As a long time fan of Michael Jackson I have to tell you I LOVED his TRUE nature... even though it’s not what we saw very often in the last several years.

Please, be true to your nature!  The world needs you! And YOU deserve the life you were designed for!
