SFB contributes to survivors’ fund

Students and staff of the School of Finance and Banking (SFB) handed over Rwf3.7 million to the ‘One Dollar Campaign’. The campaign is aiming at providing accommodation to the orphans of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Secretary General of RDGN Ismael Buchanan and u2018One Dollar Campaignu2019 coordinator Robert Masozera display the cheque (Photo C.Kwizera)

Students and staff of the School of Finance and Banking (SFB) handed over Rwf3.7 million to the ‘One Dollar Campaign’.
The campaign is aiming at providing accommodation to the orphans of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi.

"This is to show our willingness towards the cause of getting accommodation for the orphans of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi,” acting Rector of SFB, Prof. Erasmus Kaijage said.

There to receive the funds was the Coordinator of the ‘One Dollar Campaign’ at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Robert Masozera.

"Originally, we thought that this was going to be a campaign for the people in the diaspora, but the will which people inside the country have shown towards this cause is so amazing,” he commented.

He however attributed the success of the campaign to the nobility of the cause, good timing and the political will of the leadership of the country.

Speaking to The New Times, the secretary general of Rwanda Diaspora Global Network (RDGN) Dr. Ismael Buchanan said that the latest amount of money that had been collected had risen to over Rwf500 million.

"The amount has now risen to over Rwf500 million and the big boost was given by the contributions that were made on Saturday by Unity Club at Serena Hotel which amounted to Rwf363 million in cash.”

Unity Club is an association of spouses of cabinet ministers, and current and former women cabinet ministers.

He also said that since the a hundred days in which the campaign was initially supposed to end is nearing; they were planning to immediately begin the implementation phase and start the construction stage.

The storied building which is expected to accommodate over 600 orphans will be constructed at Kagugu in Gasabo district where land has been secured and the first phase of grading the land has been completed courtesy of the Ministry of Defence (MINADEF).

Handing over the contribution, SFB board chairman Prof. Nshuti Manasseh urged the students to continue with the heart of helping the needy but reminded them that these orphans needed more than what money can provide which is compassion and affection towards them.
