Students boycott classes, want top officials sacked

WESTERN PROVINCE RUSIZI — Students of Ecole Secondaire de Gishoma in Rwimbogo sector, Rusizi District, last week boycotted classes to protest over lack of qualifed science teachers. 

Monday, June 29, 2009


RUSIZI — Students of Ecole Secondaire de Gishoma in Rwimbogo sector, Rusizi District, last week boycotted classes to protest over lack of qualifed science teachers. 

The students, mainly from A Level, attempted to march to the district to present their grievances to the local authorities but  they were intercepted by police.

Speaking to The New Times on condition of anonymity, for fear of victimisation, some of the students said they were prompted to boycott classes because the administration had adamantly refused to respond to their problems. 

"Some months back management fired a qualified Biology and Chemistry teacher on baseless grounds …up to now they haven’t got a replacement,” one student said, adding that they had spent about two months without Biology and Chemistry teachers.

The students also accused the school director, Jean Pierre Sebishihe of neglecting students’ social problems. 

 ‘We have few computers at the school and we are denied access to the science laboratory,’ another  student remarked.

The Rusizi District Police Commander (DPC), Supt. Danny Ndayambaje, said police intervened fearing the strike would turn violent.

"We were alerted by some area residents in Rwimbogo sector,” Supt. Ndayambaje said.

Ndayambaje added that the students were concerned that  since the school has a shortage of  teachers this would put them at the risk of failing the forth coming national  examinations.

Following the strike local district authority officials, last Thursday, visited the school to asses the situation.

However, our sources say a subsequent meeting between the school management, students, security and district officials, ended without consensus, as students demanded the sacking of the entire school top officials.

The New Times later learnt that the school discipline master, Jean Minani was arrested in connection with the strike. Police at Kamembe Police Post later confirmed the arrest.
