Boxers criticize coach over poor EAC show

Pugilists have blasted head coach Gashugi Kananura for their poor outing in the just ended East Africa Military Games.

Saturday, June 27, 2009
Gashugi has been blamed for Rwandau2019s poor show in the Military Games.

Pugilists have blasted head coach Gashugi Kananura for their poor outing in the just ended East Africa Military Games.

Boxers namely; Henry Mulisa, Jean Claude Gatorano, Charles Rusanganwa, Ali Ndugu and Steven Rudasingwa have revealed that Gashugi blocked their build-up to the event.

"He (Gashugi) stopped us from organising a build-up competition. We had secured sponsorship but the federation gave us a cold shoulder,” Mulisa said, adding that the coach’s excuse of lack of equipment is baseless.  "The equipment was there but we got it at the last minute.”

"Gashugi thinks that the federation is a one-man show- no advice, no competitions and when you consult, he takes you to be an undisciplined character,” Gatorano fumed.

Boxers now want the Ministry of Sports and Culture to intervene. Gashugi was not available to to respond to these claims by press time as his phone was switched off.

Rwanda finished last in boxing after failing to land a gold or silver medal.

The hosts managed eight bronze medals courtesy of Matunzi Hasiza, Eric Baributsa, Jean Marie Vianney Nsengiyumva, Michel Gashumba Niyitegeka Sibomana, Theoneste Gakunzi, Maurice Bikorimana and Vincent Nsengiyumva.

Uganda finished as overwhelming champions after collecting six gold medals, four silver medals and one bronze medal.

Kenya came second after picking four gold medals, four silver medals and three bronze medals.

Tanzania finished last with one gold, three silver and two bronze medals respectively.
