IRST conducts research on causes of the genocide

HUYE – The Institute of Scientific and Technological Research known by its French acronym as IRST is conducting research about the preparation and execution of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi.

Saturday, June 27, 2009
Dr Ndukubwayezu addressing researchers during the memorial ceremony. (Photo: F. Ntawukuriryayo)

HUYE – The Institute of Scientific and Technological Research known by its French acronym as IRST is conducting research about the preparation and execution of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi.

This was revealed on Thursday by Dr. Jean Baptiste Nduwayezu, the Director General of IRST during a memorial ceremony for their former varsity employees who were killed in the genocide.

"IRST researchers have made a concerted effort to conduct a rigorous study to determine the efficacy of some of the written causes of the Genocide,” he said.

He suggested that earlier academic works published misleading findings about Rwanda’s history  which fueled divisionism.

Presenting his research findings, Dr. Jacques Nzabonimpa, a researcher, challenged people who claim that the genocide was merely triggered off by the fateful plane crush and death of the late President Juvenal Habyarimana.

He stressed that the genocide was a phenomenon which had been earlier on well planned.

"Time has come for researchers to give their balanced,empirical and hence meaningful contribution to the truth about Rwanda’s past rather than just merely misleading the public through inaccuracies,” Dr. Nzabonimpa argued.

The commemoration was organised to honor 17 former employees of IRST who were butchered with their families during genocide.

Later, IRST workers visited and donated food items to orphans under  Humura and Urumuri associations at Rango and Matyazo respectively.

IRST staff  also donated a computer to Dukundane Cooperative at Mukoni centre in Huye town.
