Envoys to tour Western Province

WESTERN PROVINCE KARONGI – Ambassadors accredited to Rwanda will on 6-7 July take a guided tour of the Western Province.

Saturday, June 27, 2009
Robert Masozera(Left) and Western Province governor, Celestin Kabahizi addressing mayors about the incoming event. (Photo: D. Ngabonziza)


KARONGI – Ambassadors accredited to Rwanda will on 6-7 July take a guided tour of the Western Province.

The purpose of the tour will be to enable the emissaries  to get vivid information about the province and its investment potential, an official in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Regional Cooperation has announced.

Robert Masozera, the ministry’s director general in charge of Diaspora announced this on Wednesday, while visiting the province.

"They will spend two days touring different activities in the province,” Masozera told district mayors who had gathered in Karongi District.

After the tour, Masozera added, the diplomats will submit reports to their respective countries. They are expected to visit mining, agriculture and tourism sites.

"The Ambassadors have been based only in Kigali yet they report about the whole country’s situation to their home countries. This sort of reporting has never been accurate for them to access on the ground information. Hence the importance of having this kind of a  tour as an essential component of enhancing their work,” he said.

Consequently Kabahizi, told all district mayors to organize local itineraries for  the areas to be visited.
