BBC is insensitive

Dear Editor,After being closed down then taking hours to agree on how to reduce what would be harmful programmes to a still fragile population recovering from the rubble of the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi, it seems that the BBC is going back on its word.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Dear Editor,
After being closed down then taking hours to agree on how to reduce what would be harmful programmes to a still fragile population recovering from the rubble of the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi, it seems that the BBC is going back on its word.

For fifteen years the country has been going through steady reconstruction of their homeland.

The people are easily blending as one. Should the BBC respect that and may be help us achieve this goal instead of thwarting our efforts with divisive programes? 

Do they mind the pain that is still evident amongst the populace?

We demand that they respect the efforts instead of giving platform to enemies of progress.

We are not willing to make backward movement and I beg whoever is responsible for regulating the media to shut them down.
