Minaloc proclaims July month of “liberation”

The Ministry of Local Government has proclaimed July as a month of liberation celebrations and asked religious leaders to play a leading role in sensitizing their congregations the importance of the liberation day.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

The Ministry of Local Government has proclaimed July as a month of liberation celebrations and asked religious leaders to play a leading role in sensitizing their congregations the importance of the liberation day.

During the meeting that brought together the religious leaders and the ministry, both parties committed themselves to launch campaigns to sensitize their communities as preparations to mark the 15th liberation anniversary that fall on July 4th draw closer.

The religious leaders vowed to do what it takes to make every Rwandan feel part of the liberation process.

"We should use our communication channels to spread the message to our followers during our services,” said Richard Muligande, Secretary for the Rwanda Episcopal Council, insisting that this date should not be considered as a government issue but a concern for everyone.

Addressing the participants, the minister of local government Protais Musoni said that the celebrations should serve as an opportunity to evaluate what has already been achieved and foresee reasonable ways for a better future.

Musoni appreciated the enthusiasm of religious leaders and urged them to play an active role in various activities that will be undertaken during the liberation month, many of which have an aim to improve people’s living conditions.

The slogan for this year’s liberation celebrations is Ijabo riduhe ijambo (Dignity is our Strength).
