Premier commissions Kibuye power project

WESTERN PROVINCE KARONGI- The Prime Minister, Bernard Makuza on Wednesday launched the Kibuye methane gas project in Karongi district, Western province.

Saturday, June 27, 2009


KARONGI- The Prime Minister, Bernard Makuza on Wednesday launched the Kibuye methane gas project in Karongi district, Western province.

The project will be undertaken by American firm ContourGlobal.
Earlier this year, government signed a 25-year, US$325 million gas-to-power deal with ContourGlobal to generate100 Megawatts of electricity from methane gas extracted in Lake Kivu.

The gas concession and power purchase agreements, allow ContourGlobal to start extraction and processing of the gas into electricity and to channel it into the national power grid.

The national utility company, Electrogaz, will be selling the power to the end user and pay back ContourGlobal.

Speaking on Wednesday before laying the foundation stone, Makuza said that the extraction of methane gas in Lake Kivu will in 2020 create a middle income economy in the country.

"This Lake has shown its importance in the energy sector…it will be the source of cheaper and reliable power to the whole country,” he said.

Citing the importance of methane gas from Kivu, Makuza underscored that the government will through this energy wealth, become a net exporter of energy in the region.

The prime minister thanked the US Ambassador to Rwanda, Stuart Symington, for his tremendous role in convincing such an experienced company (ContourGlobal) to take up methane gas extraction in the country.

He advised area residents to be good custodians of the treasure if it’s to be successful.

The State Minister for Energy, Eng. Albert Butare said that this methane gas extraction is a tremendous step in the energy sector in Rwanda.

‘This is a tremendous step we have taken after fifteen months of negotiations on who would take up this extraction. The ministry of infrastructure will provide any help needed  to ContourGlobal,’ he said.

Joseph Brandt, ContourGlobal representative said that it is a significant endeavour on the side of the company to take up methane gas extraction and promised they will work in a safe manner.

The US Ambassador said that the new energy deal is a remarkable step by the country.

ContourGlobal has energy investments in various countries including the US, Columbia, Brazil, Togo and Peru.
