District closes untidy factory

Several jobs stand to be lost if Kicukiro District authorities go ahead with the closure of Mironko Plastics Industries, located in Gikondo. Yesterday local authorities suspended the operations of the company for one month citing persistent failure to secure and renovate the premises.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Paul Jules Ndamage

Several jobs stand to be lost if Kicukiro District authorities go ahead with the closure of Mironko Plastics Industries, located in Gikondo.

Yesterday local authorities suspended the operations of the company for one month citing persistent failure to secure and renovate the premises.

According to Kicukiro Mayor, Paul Jules Ndamage, several unused structures on the premises pose a security threat to residents as they are used as hideouts by criminals.

This follows a series of warning letters to the management of the firm instructing them to clear or develop the premises.

"We have written several letters asking Mironko plastics to clear the vacant premises or renovate them and put them to use but they have not complied, this leaves us with no choice but shut down the firm,” charged Ndamaje.

The land housing the premises in question stretches for over 20 hectares but the plastic factory only covers 4 hectares.  The rest has unused dilapidated buildings punctuated by bushes.

Ndamage revealed that they have closed the factory for one month until the proprietor has cleaned up his premises.

"We shall not tolerate this lazy tendency of even failing to clean up the mess in his own industry, we have decided to close it for a month with immediate effect as we give him time to clean up the mess in his company,” declared the Mayor

In his defence, the proprietor of Mironko Industries, Francois Mironko acknowledged the closure, claiming that he had embarked on a general renovation and clean up.

"I just needed some time to finish renovating factories which would generate money to complete the renovation process; I had started with the Butare firm that’s why this one is in this state.”
