Soil erosion blamed for poor agricultural production

EASTERN PROVINCE NGOMA – The National Extension System Support Project (PASNVA) in conjunction with Rwanda Agricultural Development Authority (RADA) has trained leaders in Ngoma District to deepen agricultural extension services to farmers.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


NGOMA – The National Extension System Support Project (PASNVA) in conjunction with Rwanda Agricultural Development Authority (RADA) has trained leaders in Ngoma District to deepen agricultural extension services to farmers.

The two-day training of trainers that ended Tuesday at the district headquarters, attracted sector leaders, agricultural and veterinary officers in sectors and heads of cooperative societies in the district.

Josiane Kalisoni Irankunda, RADA representative in the Eastern Province, pointed out that soil erosion, high population growth, poor use of wetlands and rearing of domestic animals with poor yields, are responsible for poor performance of the agricultural sector in the region.

She urged the local leaders to encourage farmers to use fertilisers in order to boost their crop production.

"Rwanda is a poor country whose economy is based on agriculture but there has been little concern by both the residents and the local  leaders to support it to yield better  results,” she said.

Didas Gahigi, an official in charge of PASNVA in the province urged participants to concentrate on specialised crops preferred by the district authorities. He urged trainees to help residents in designing of projects that will be funded by PASNVA as a poverty eradication strategy.

PASNVA is a Belgian-based Non-governmental organisation that operates under the Ministry of Agriculture.

It finances small income generating activities in 11 districts of the country.
