Thank you letter to Kagame

Editor,I want to thank President Paul Kagame for his good leadership style.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

I want to thank President Paul Kagame for his good leadership style.

This has been recognized internationally, regionally and also locally.

On behalf of other citizens who cannot get the opportunity to say this, I write to say thank.

The president said during yesterday’s press conference that, in Rwanda everybody is trying their best to make the country a better place.

This attitude is what is making every Rwandan and friend of Rwanda to achieve development and prosperity.

Like the saying, ‘Poverty is in one’s mind’, we can also say that, ‘Prosperity is in one’s mind.’

By having a positive attitude towards development, then Rwanda will continue to develop at rocket speed.

Given the kind of challenges and problems that Rwanda as a country has faced, having a leader like Kagame who is solution focused is the reason for our growing success in all sectors.

No wonder he was named one of the most influential leaders in the world and the only influential African leader.

This cannot be taken lightly for Africa, what people want to see is a way forward for development as a continent.

African people are tired of all the wars and squabbles and I think it is time for these states to give up fighting, work hard and seek peace just like Rwanda has done.
