Umudugudu leaders should account for our money

Editor, I would like to express my disappointment to the way, we locals are treated at our midugudu.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

I would like to express my disappointment to the way, we locals are treated at our midugudu.

Every month we are expected to pay a fee of 1000 to our local leaders and this is meant to cater for rubbish collection every week.

However in my area in Kacyiru, the truck has not passed by for weeks now, the rubbish is accumulating and the place is no longer hygienic.

I would like to call the attention of responsible leaders to look into this matter.

The truck should not only pass through places that are near the main roads.

They should go through every area since we all pay the same amount for rubbish collection. Otherwise we are wondering where the money we pay goes.
