Executives forced to pay back Rwf 84m

Two officials who allegedly embezzled Rwf 84 million meant for development projects in Rusizi District have been ordered by the Ministry of Local Government to it pay back.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009
CAUTIONED LEADERS: Minister of Local government Protais Musoni

Two officials who allegedly embezzled Rwf 84 million meant for development projects in Rusizi District have been ordered by the Ministry of Local Government to it pay back.

According to the ministry, the former Mayor of Rusizi, Jean Pierre Turatsinze and his Executive Secretary, Boniface Bajyanama, committed the crime between 2007 and 2008.

According to the ministry’s report, the duo’s major scam is the embezzlement of Rwf 74millions meant for Mutuelle de Sante.

The former local authorities are also cited in the disappearance of US$ 8,500 that allegedly pocketed by the two officials.

The officials are also pinned on the dubious payment of US$ 9,800 to unidentified individual in the United Kingdom for work that was never recorded anywhere.

Basing on the available information from MINALOC, Bajyanama has so far refunded Rwf 4,947,288.

During the clean audit assessment meeting held last week, the Minister of Local Government, Protais Musoni, cautioned local authorities against corruption saying that they should take the example of Rusizi,to avoid the long arm of the law. 

However, according an official in MINALOC who preferred anonymity since he doesn’t officially speak for the ministry, the suspecfts men offered a big amount to the Internet conmen.

"Bajyanama told the police that they had offered the amount to an Ivorian native who lives in London to come and promote their district by establishing industries.” the official revealed.
