STORY CORNER: Abu’s fascination with cars

Abu used to live in a small village called Kanguba. It was very far away from the nearest the city. Abu was 12 years old and like most of his friends had never seen a car. 

Monday, June 22, 2009

Abu used to live in a small village called Kanguba. It was very far away from the nearest the city. Abu was 12 years old and like most of his friends had never seen a car. 

Abu loved cars so much from the stories that his elder brother Adupo told him.

He had once visited their aunt in the city. Adupo had told him of the metallic machine that sits on four wheels and the terrific speed at which it moves.

All these tales would make Abu imagine a world of cars. He would disappear into his father’s banana plantation for hours just to make toy cars.

At night while the family sat together for supper, Abu asked his father about the city that he did not know. For Abu, the city was like another world with different people.

Abu had a dream of travelling in a vehicle to see the city that he only saw in his dreams.

On the market day, Abu begged his father to take him along so that he could see the car that brought second hand clothes from the city.

His father took him and that was the first time he saw a car. He was a happy boy and he kept dreaming of travelling in a car in the near future. 
