The death of Pastor Jean Louis Ubizinda was a tragedy that could have been avoided

Editor, I would like to record my condolences as a Christian to all the members of the Apostolic Church fraternity in Rwanda for the passing of their president in a motor accident on Saturday night.

Monday, June 22, 2009
The vehicle retrived from River Mukungwa with five bodies still iinside. (photo: B Mukombozi)


I would like to record my condolences as a Christian to all the members of the Apostolic Church fraternity in Rwanda for the passing of their president in a motor accident on Saturday night.

His and seven other people’s deaths was tragic and, I believe, could have been avoided.

The Musanze highway is extremely winding and every time I travel on the road I don’t feel particularly safe.

There aren’t enough guard rails on the roads and in case of a driver loses control, the car will plunge into gorges.

While I don’t know what exactly happened, I’m sure that if there were guard rails this tragedy might have been avoided.

When the authorities begin their repair of this road, maybe more guard rails will be put in place; we don’t need anymore unnecessary tragedies.
