Kicukiro in Customer Care drive

BY SAUL BUTERA Employees at Kicukiro district offices are to identified by the introduction of uniforms that officials say will be used to fight corruption and improving customer care.

Monday, June 22, 2009
Some of Kicukiro District employees clad in their new trademark uniforms at work. (Photo J Mbanda)


Employees at Kicukiro district offices are to identified by the introduction of uniforms that officials say will be used to fight corruption and improving customer care.

This was revealed by the Kicukiro District’s Mayor, Paul Jules Ndamage, during an interview with the Business Times.

The mayor, said that employees will begin wearing identical garments, particularly those who will handle the districts revenues and land titles.

The Mayor also said that workers are always tempted to be bribed most especially while working in the field. He explained that the acquiring of identical clothing will make them feel guilty thus exempt them from receiving bribes.  

Currently customer care is one of Rwanda’s priorities to deliver good services. Experts say that the first interaction with the customer creates a good relationship and increases profits if the customer is satisfied. But slow customer care can slow down the economic growth of a country.

"Mostly people in the field used to dodge work and concentrate their personal programs, but with a uniform they will be forced to remain at work,” Ndamage added.

Veronica Nyimugabo, one of the workers who is in-charge of Kigarama sector revenues, says that it has been difficult for customers to differentiate between the district’s workers and fellow customers. 

 "Uniforms will clearly identify us (workers) and we are happy to put them on,” she added. 
