3000 crafts cooperatives registered

In a space of three years, over three thousands cooperatives and seven professional associations in art work, have so far been registered with the Chamber of Crafts, Artists and Artisans, operating under the Private Sector federation (PSF).

Monday, June 22, 2009
Marie Chantal Magnifique : Director Chamber of Crafts.

In a space of three years, over three thousands cooperatives and seven professional associations in art work, have so far been registered with the Chamber of Crafts, Artists and Artisans, operating under the Private Sector federation (PSF).

The Director of the Chamber, Marie Chantal Magnifique, revealed the development to representatives of the different cooperatives.

The members met on Friday, at Laico Umubano Hotel in Kacyiru, to discuss issues affecting their cooperatives.

"We have registered over 3000 cooperatives and seven professional associations and we have already received more applications from other people willing to join the chamber,” Magnifique revealed.

Other issues discussed related to monitoring the performance of the chamber towards benefiting its membership and challenges involved. The members observed that the rapidly increasing number of registered cooperatives proved that there is hope for the chamber.

Epaphrodite Binamungu, the President of the Chamber said the organisation is open for every organized cooperative as long as they meet the requirements.

He explained that the chamber looks forward to helping improve art work to the best it can, through skills development and providing good market to enable cooperatives benefit from the business.
