Rwanda marks World Refugee Day

Rwanda Thursday joined the rest of the world in commemorating the World Refugee Day (WRD) by staging awareness events in refugee camps throughout the country.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Rwanda Thursday joined the rest of the world in commemorating the World Refugee Day (WRD) by staging awareness events in refugee camps throughout the country.

Speaking at Gihembe camp Wednesday, UNHCR Head of Files Officer, Richard Ndaula, noted that the day should be dedicated to remembering and highlighting the plight of refugees worldwide.

"We call on Rwandans to provide, accept and share resources with refugees seeking asylum in the country. We should endeavour to maintain Peace and stability as the lack of it is the main contribution to refugee populations” said Ndaula.

Ndaula noted that the day’s celebrations come amidst a world financial crunch that has disrupted delivery of basic needs and services to the refugees.

"The financial crisis has hit everyone. This has had a great impact on the assistance we receive from our partners and well wishers.”

World Refugee Day comes after the return of 94 children and 60 women Rwandan refugees from Uganda last month. The refugees relocation operation, which began in May, will see all the estimated 20,000 refugees in Ugandan camps return to Rwanda by the end of July this year.

In an interview with The Sunday Times, the Local Government Minister Protais Musoni called on all Rwandans not only to welcome but understand the plight of returning refugees.

"We are calling for our relatives who are still refugees to come back home. In the last six months we have had over 9000 returnees and we are working with local councils in resettlement programs for them and other refugees in the country,” Musoni said.

The Minister added that once the refugees are resettled in the country, the Ministry will provide the necessary assistance congruent with that given to other vulnerable people.

"Measures are underway to provide health and education assistance to all refugees. The population is currently being sensitized to reflect the plight of these people so as to promote successful reintegration.”

Musoni revealed that the government has successfully resettled the bulk of urban refugees who were living in Kigali and is now targeting camp based ones. Current statistics show that Rwanda hosts over 55,500 refugees from its neighbouring countries.

June 20 was designated by UN as a refugee day in 2001.
